Check up Time!
The twins had their 2 month check-up today. They are officially 2 1/2 months, but the check-up was set to coordinate with their Synigis shots. The boys have really been busy growing, and Michael is now 23 1/2" long, and weighs 12 lbs. 10 oz. Natan is 23" long, and weighs 13 lbs. 2 oz. We can't believe how big they have gotten! They are doing great, and the doctor feels that they are ready to start weaning from their "preemie" medications- the caffeine and Reglan which they have taken since their days in NICU.
They poor boys each had to have 4 shots today, so I must admit that they weren't too happy about the experience. But, they soon forgot their ordeal, and settled down to the usual routine of eating, sleeping, etc...