Monday, January 31, 2005

Check up Time!

The twins had their 2 month check-up today. They are officially 2 1/2 months, but the check-up was set to coordinate with their Synigis shots. The boys have really been busy growing, and Michael is now 23 1/2" long, and weighs 12 lbs. 10 oz. Natan is 23" long, and weighs 13 lbs. 2 oz. We can't believe how big they have gotten! They are doing great, and the doctor feels that they are ready to start weaning from their "preemie" medications- the caffeine and Reglan which they have taken since their days in NICU.

They poor boys each had to have 4 shots today, so I must admit that they weren't too happy about the experience. But, they soon forgot their ordeal, and settled down to the usual routine of eating, sleeping, etc...

Natan and Michael at 2 1/2 months. Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 30, 2005

During Shmuli's winter break, we decided to head up to the snow. it was beautiful, and we all had a nice, relaxing time. Posted by Hello

Here is Shmuli skiing. He has become quite a good skier, and is now able to ski down some very high slopes. Posted by Hello

Leslie and the twins watching Shmuli ski. Posted by Hello

Here is Michael, all snuggled up warm in his bunting. Posted by Hello

Here is Natan, all snuggle up warm in his bunting. Posted by Hello

Well, it is time to scrape the snow off of the car and head for home! Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Here are Shmuli and Michael snuggling. Don't they look happy! Posted by Hello

Here is Shmuli feeding Natan. Shmuli has become an expert on taking care of babies. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Today is Our Due Date!!!

Today is Natan and Michael's official due date. We are so grateful that they have grown so much and reached this day as strong healthy boys. One would have trouble guessing that they were preemies, looking at them now! They had a nice relaxing day today, and celebrated their due date doing what they do best- eating, sleeping and well, uh... utilizing their diapers!

Here are the boys on their official due date, January 4, 2005. Natan is on the left, Michael on the right. Posted by Hello