Monday, February 28, 2005

Sleepy Shmuli and Michael... Posted by Hello

Look who came to visit! It was so wonderful to see Bracha and spend the afternoon with her. We haven't seen her since she moved to Israel, so it was certainly a wonderful treat! Posted by Hello

Here is Shmuli with the amazing costume Aunt Bracha brought him from Israel- just in time for Purim! Posted by Hello

Three and a Half Months!

The twins went in for their Synigis shots today, and Doctor Keene said that they were looking great. Natan is now 24" long and weighs 15 lbs 10 oz. Michael is almost 25" long and weighs 14 lbs 10 oz. And, although their heads look different, they measure (and always have) the same circumference. They are also developing good neck control as well as learning to smile and coo. We are all having such a good time watching them grow.

Here are the Pooh boys- these cute outfits are from the Shenkers. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Moods of Natan

Today we caught Natan expressing some of his many moods, including a precious smile and a powerful cry. All of us are doing fine, weathering all of the storms that seem to be arriving back to back.

Here is Natan.. smiling! Posted by Hello

Oh dear! Hre is Natan expressing displeasure with his usual intensity. Posted by Hello

Here are both boys. relaxing for the camera. Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Shmuli is doing some work out in the garden, and enjoying digging in the nice, moist soil. We have been enjoying an incredible series of rainstorms during the last few days, and it is nice to be able to spend some time outside enjoying the nice clean air! Posted by Hello

Here is Shmuli, doing some digging in the garden. He is finding lots of worms for his next fishing expedition! Posted by Hello

Our necks are getting so strong! Natan and Michael are starting to be able tosupport their necks and hold their heads up. They are turning their heads around, and discovering how much more of the world they can see! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

We Are Three Months Old Today! (Natan on left, Michael on right) Posted by Hello

Monday, February 07, 2005

It's Soccer Season for Shmuli

Shmuli has really been enjoying participating on our local soccer league. They practice on Wednesday afternoons, and play a game each Sunday. Shmuli has always been a natural athelete, and soccer is proving to be no exception. It also gives him a chance to spend some time with friends outside of school.

The twins are starting to sleep more, which is giving mom and dad some much appreciated sleep. We think that our Amby hammocks have helped, and the boys seem to sleep soundly and comfortably in them. We especially like that fact that we can put them in the hammocks when they are awake, and they will often fall asleep all by themselves.

Shmuli has discovered a natural talent for soccer. He enjoys it, and has proven himself to be a leader on his team. Most important, of course, he is having a lot of fun! Posted by Hello

Here is Shmuli, listening to his coach. Posted by Hello

Instead of basinets, we decided to have the boys sleep in little hammocks called Amby Hammocks. They're soft and comfortable, and gently bounce when baby moves around. Posted by Hello

Michael in his Amby Hammock. Look- he is starting to smile! Posted by Hello

Natan in his Amby Hammock. Posted by Hello