Monday, July 18, 2005

Natan is enjoying his bath! Both Michael and Natan really enjoy the water. Soon, they will be able to take baths together in the big tub. Posted by Picasa

Michael as a bathing beauty. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 09, 2005

A Visit from Lora and Jack

The biggest highlight of the summer by far was a visit from Lora and Jack. Shmuli was so excited to have a chance to play with Jack, and the twins just loved all of the attention. Of course I was also on cloud nine, getting a chance to spend so much time with them.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Lora with the boys. Both Michael (on the left) and Natan really enjoyed all of the attention. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Shmuli and Jack had a great time boogy boarding together at the beach. It was a lovely day to be near the ocean. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli and Jack at the beach. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli and Snowflake, his new pet. Snowflake is the "newest member of the family", according to Shmuli. Posted by Picasa

A visit with Jack! The boys are happy to schmooze together. Posted by Picasa