Friday, December 30, 2005

It finally rained! Shmuli enjoyed playing in the mud, and of course getting very dirty. Posted by Picasa

Chanukah Fun

This evening we had the Jacobs family over for Chanukah dinner. We all had a nice visit, ate latkes and sufgynot and play dreidel. I'm afraid we didn't get too many pictures during the evening... too busy I guess!

Let's get this package opened! Posted by Picasa

Michael visits with Grandma and Grandpa Posted by Picasa

Here is Kara practicing with her new camera. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Natan and Michael are now able to get themselves into this little cart and wait for a ride! I guess that they are accustomed to being in tight places with each other... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

This is a very nice picture of our front window during Chanukah taken by Shmuli with his new camera. Posted by Picasa

Here I am with the twins, serving their new favorite- latkes! Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Chanukah!

Well, Chanukah is upon us, and the kids are certainly enjoying themselves. Natan is fascinated with the decorations around the house, and just looks and looks. Michael is busy trying to touch and hold everything- sometimes he succeeds and sometimes we are fast enough to stop him (and of course sometimes we "don't notice")! Shmuli has been busy helping Robert put up some decorations and prepare the menorahs. He has learned all the Brachos for the occasion, and it was such a pleasure to watch and listen to him.

Shmuli with his Shamas, ready to light his menorah. Posted by Picasa

Here are Robert and Shmuli making the brachos for lighting the Menorahs. Posted by Picasa

Here is Shmuli lighting his menorah. Posted by Picasa

Michael and Natan are enjoying eating their latkes. They also liked the applesauce. Yum! Posted by Picasa

Robert and Shmuli turning the menorahs so that they are facing the right way out the window. Posted by Picasa

Chanukah S'meach y'all! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 25, 2005

In the evening, Shmuli has taken to enjoying drives to look at the city lights. This is a great time for him to do so, as it becomes dark so early in the evening. Here is a picture Shmuli took of the city lights in the direction of downtown. Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 23, 2005

Here are my boys!!! Posted by Picasa

Here are Michael and Natan, worn out from the exciting walk we took through our neighborhood. It is a rare occurance for both to fall asleep during a walk- usually it is one or the other. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Natan really enjoys playing the piano. He seems to take care to push one key at a time. Michael often joins in with some dramatic pounding on several keys. Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 02, 2005

Today Shmuli received his very own Chumash!

Today was a very special day for the second grade class at school- all of the children received their very own Chumashim. And of course, us parents are very proud of our children today. The children have been studying so hard, and are now able to read Hebrew with enough proficiency to read and study on their own. We were very proud of our Shmuli, and he participated so nicely with his class- and even sang a solo during the performance. Mazel Tov!

Here is Shmuli receiving his very own Chumash from his much loved teacher Mrs. Amster. Posted by Picasa

Here is Shmuli and his Rebbe with his newly received Chumash. Posted by Picasa

Here are Shmuli and some of his classmates waiting to sing their solos in the class presentation. Posted by Picasa

Here is Shmuli's class singing the songs they having been learning at school for this special occasion. Shmuli is in the back row, the second one in from the right. Posted by Picasa