Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Shmuli has a fabulous sense of design, and it is well illustrated here with his latest lego project. This is a view of the project from above. Posted by Picasa

Here is the side view of Shmuli's project. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 30, 2006

We can feed ourselves...

Natan and Michael are starting to practice feeding themselves. At the ripe old age of 14 months it seems that far more food gets on their faces then in their mouths! Posted by Picasa

The spoons make their targets... Posted by Picasa

Boy is this fun!!!!!!!! (Note that bowls and spoons have been tossed aside for the exclusive entertainment of mom and her cleanup committee).Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Soccer Season!

Shmuli is so glad that soccer season is finally here. Here he is playing goalie. Posted by Picasa

Here is Shmuli's team (in yellow) playing a game. We are very pleased with the league he is playing on, which emphasizes good sportsmanship and having fun.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Home in Los Angeles

Back home in Los Angeles, we found we missed the cold weather up in Big Bear, so we headed on to the ice skating rink. Shmuli is skating backwards here, which he just taught himself to do. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli enjoying coasting on the ice. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Off to Big Bear for Winter Vacation!

Here is Shmuli taking a break from skiing. He has become quite an accomplished skier, and can now come down the highest runs. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli is chatting with one of the ski instructors. His focus on this trip was practicing parallel skiing (which means, for the uneducated regarding skiing like myself, that he is learning to go down the steep slopes in a nice S shape, winding back and forth instead of racing straight down the slope).Posted by Picasa

Natan and Robert walking in the snow. Posted by Picasa

I can do this myself!!! Posted by Picasa

Michael touches the snow for the first time. Posted by Picasa

Oh!!! This snow is wet and cold!!! Michael decides that he doesn't really like the snow. Posted by Picasa

I guess the snow isn't so bad after all. Posted by Picasa

Please get me away from this! Posted by Picasa

Sleeping snow bunnies... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Big Bear Zoo

Here are my boys, ready for a visit to the mountain zoo. We are particularily fond of this zoo, as all the animals are rescued because they would not be able to survive in the wild. Some of the more notable animals are a three legged bear, a blind fox, an eagle with a broken wing and deer that were tamed by a well-meaning mountain resident. Shmuli is proudly wearing his bear claw which he bought at the museum store (the "claw" is actually carved from wood by a local Native American). Posted by Picasa

Here is a proud bald eagle. It was injured by a hunter, and can no longer fly, so it cannot be released back into the wild. Posted by Picasa

A deer who seems to enjoy visiting people. Posted by Picasa

This handsome fox cannot survive in the wild because he is blind.Posted by Picasa

Here is an owl. Posted by Picasa

Alpine Play Park in Big Bear

We spent an afternoon at a park in Big Bear where there lots of intertubes for sliding down the snow. Here is Shmuli at the top of the hill, ready to come down. Posted by Picasa

There he goes!!! Posted by Picasa

It was nice to see quite a few familiar faces up in Big Bear. Since all the local Jewish day schools had the same day off, there were quite a few Jewish families there. Here, there were enough to make a minyan for afternoon Mincha. Posted by Picasa