Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Are we cute or what??? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Day at the Zoo

We decided to spend the afternoon at the LA Zoo. We were hoping there wouldn't be much a crowd here, being Superbowl Sunday and all, but it was quite busy. I guess there are many other Angelinos who aren't interested in football. The backpack Robert is wearing used to be Shmuli's. Both Michael and Natan really enjoying being in it- so I guess it is time to buy a second backpack. Posted by Picasa

This is the Tapir. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli checks out the lifespan of the tortoise. He is glad that he is not a May Fly, because according to the chart, it only lives for one day. Posted by Picasa

This is the majestic lion. Posted by Picasa

We stop at a park near the bird show for a break. Natan and Michael are off and running! Posted by Picasa

Natan, animated and excited about exploring the zoo (well, actually about trying to grab my camera!). Posted by Picasa

Michael heads out to look around. Posted by Picasa

Goodbye, giraffe! Posted by Picasa