Sunday, June 18, 2006

Baseball Season

Baseball is one of the highlights of spring. It is a somewhat slow relaxing game, with moments of rest- and then there's the sudden frenzy- lest you might fall asleep somewhere like third base. Here is Shmuli at bat. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli playing shortstop. Posted by Picasa

Taking a break. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli makes a great catcher- he focuses to catch the ball, and he has a great arm to throw it. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Day at the Science Museum

We are spending the afternoon at the local science museum. Here, Shmuli is experiencing the rock climbing exhibit. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli is riding on a bicycle suspended on trapeze wire. He is very focused and keenly aware that he is suspended about 50 feet from the ground. Posted by Picasa

Oh whew... I forgot about the safety net! Posted by Picasa

Natan and Michael, none too pleased about being confined to their stroller. Posted by Picasa

Leslie at the museum. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Three Boys in a Box

All 3 boys can still fit into one box. They all seemed to find it quite amusing (although Michael did not want to have his picture taken, and looked away deliberately in passive resistance). Posted by Picasa