Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We get to see lots of interesting spiders in our backyard during the fall. On one occasion we saw a bunch of baby spiders emerge from their nest and set out to explore the world. Here, we found a spider spinning her web. We stood by and watched as she started out with just a few threads, and in a suprisingly short periond of time she had a beautiful web. We hope she caught some tasty bugs during the night as a reward for all of her efforts. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

One of the scariest events which happened this summer is that Michael came down with Pneumonia. Both boys had a regularily scheduled check up on Friday and received a clean bill of health. By Saturday afternoon Michael had a cold, and by Saturday night he was coughing, had a 104 fever, and rapid strained breathing. He was admitted to the hospital early Sunday and spent the next four days there. Oddly, Michael received a pneumonia vaccine on the Friday before he got sick. Thank G-d he recovered within a few days and came home to us. Posted by Picasa

A snuggle with dad. Robert spent the nights with Michael in the hospital. Posted by Picasa

Michael's hospital room. Posted by Picasa

Michael and Leslie share a quiet moment. He was a real trooper throughout the ordeal and was an exceptional patient at the hospital. Posted by Picasa