Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Family Outing

What can I say? I would like to say that all of our family outings involved enriching activities such as visiting a museum, hiking through the countryside or attending a cultural event- but I must confess that sometimes the kids want just plain fun. So today, here we are at the entrance of Chuck E Cheese- a place where the fun is limited only by the number of tokens that your parents purchase. I guess Robert and I get off easier that the rest of the lucky parents there because we don't eat any of the food inside. The boys are having a bit of yogurt before entering so they will have the energy to- well- have fun! Posted by Picasa

Natan concentrating as he uses his hands to lift himself up on the "seesaw". Posted by Picasa

Here they are... my Chuck E Cheese gang. Posted by Picasa

It seems to be unanimous... all three boys just can't seem to get enough time playing with the balls... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Michael hasn't been enthusiastic about having his picture taken lately, so this picture is somewhat rare, as he is looking at the camera and smiling. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Chanukah- the Seventh Night Posted by Picasa

What do we need to light the menorah? Either a candle, or in the classic tradition- olive oil and a kos from which to pour the oil into the menorah. Shmuli made this very nice kos at school this year. Posted by Picasa

Robert makes the brachot (blessings) for lighting the Chanukah menorah. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli makes the brachot for lighting the menorah. Posted by Picasa

Michael is practicing his brachot, in hopes that he will be big enough next year to light his own menorah. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli lighting his menorah. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli's menorah- the 7th night. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli is one happy kid tonight! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tonight's the night for the family Chanukah party. We are especially fortunate this time, as all of the Jacobs extended family were able to attend. Posted by Picasa

Michael studies the dreidle. Posted by Picasa

The guys have a visit and share a laugh. Posted by Picasa

Natan comes to help Shmuli and Robert light the menorahs. Posted by Picasa

Natan shares a word with Dana. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli and Natan dance the hora. Posted by Picasa

Let's eat! Time for the usual... latkes, sour cream and applesauce- and sufginyot for dessert of course. Posted by Picasa

Now it is the compulsory driedle time for the kids. We always play with chocolate coins, so even if you are losing, there is always a treat. Posted by Picasa

David and Robert Posted by Picasa

I have a little dreidle, I made it out of clay- and when it's dry and ready, then dreidle I shall play. It has a lovely body, with leg so short and thin- and when it gets all tired, it drops and then I win! Posted by Picasa

This picture captures all of the Jacobs grandchildren. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Happy Hanukah!

Oy Chanukah, Oy Chanukah come light the menorah. Let's have a party, we'll all dance the horah. Gather 'round the table we'll give you a treat- dreidles to play with and latkes to eat.
And while we are playing, the candles are burning low- one for each night they shed a sweet light to remind us of days long ago.Posted by Picasa