Twin B is feeding better and better, Twin A gains a belly button.
Twin B is still in the Growing Nursery at the hospital, but he keeps getting better and better at nippling his food. He is now able to nipple feed up to 50cc's! Mastering nipple feeding is his ticket home, so we can hope that in some way he is motivated to practice the nippling so he can come home and be with his brothers!
Twin A has settled in at home, and seems to be quite comfortable. He is feeding very well, and we hope that it shows up as a weight gain at his next doctor's visit. Today his naval cord fell off, and he now has a genuine belly button! Now he will be able to start taking real baths.
Shmuli has been doing a great job keeping an eye on his brother, and always warns me if little Twin A is fussing or crying. What a great big brother he is!
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