Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Overwhelmed by support of friends

We have been truly been touched by all of the support that we have received from our friends to help us adjust to having the twins home. Incredible meals have arrived at our door, laundery has been done for us, baby clothes and supplies have been given to us, errands have been run, Shmuli has been driven to school, and friends have come to help hold, feed and sooth the twins (and give mom and dad a break!). There are more acts of chesed that have been done, and please forgive me if I missed something that you did for us.

The boys are doing great, Thank G-d, and have become quite the feeders. When we measured the milk that they consume we were amazed that they have been consuming up to 4 oz in one feeding. That is an incredible volume of food for such a tiny stomach. The needs of the twins has been both a delightful and relentless pair. Most of the day they sleep, eat, and look into our faces during their quiet alert times It seems that their only fussy period is from 12:00 midnight to 3:00 am. Unfortunately, that hour isn't the best for mom and dad, so we are trying to adjust.

Yesterday we took both boys to see Dr. Keene, and they have certainly gained quite a lot of weight!!! Twin B is now 6 lbs 7 oz (up over a pound in just one week!) and Twin A is now 6 lbs 9 oz (up nearly a pound- he was 5 lbs 11 oz last week. So, they are getting to be big guys. They would be 36 weeks gestational age today if they had not been born early- so they are almost full term for twins now.


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