Thursday, January 25, 2007

Big Bear Vacation

This week we went on our annual winter vacation to Big Bear. Robert and I first came up here when parenthood was still a dream, Shmuli has been coming up to Big Bear since he was 2, and the twins have been up every year of their lives. We really enjoy this time- when we are far away from the rush of the city and instead up in the mountains, where we are surrounded by pine trees and snow. Posted by Picasa

One of the reasons we picked this cabin was the large fenced backyard. This was a great year for snow as the weather has been freezing for the last couple of weeks. The day we arrived it was about 28 degrees outside (and dropped to near zero during the night). By the time we departed Big Bear it had warmed up and was in the high 40s during the day. Posted by Picasa

Snow Bunnies... Posted by Picasa

Natan takes Michael for a sleigh ride. They are laughing because Mommy was in front of them taking pictures and took a tumble in the snow! Posted by Picasa

Natan plays in the snow. Posted by Picasa

Natan is pleased that Michael is now going to take him for a sleigh ride. Posted by Picasa

The boys take a break after some wild play in the snow. Posted by Picasa

We have a tradition of making "campers" food in Big Bear. We roast marshmallow, make s'mores, pop popcorn over the fireplace and cook sandwiches in cast-iron holders over the fire. Our newest addition this year is the Ice Cream Ball. Simply fill one end with rock salt and ice; and the other with cream, sugar and flavoring (such as vanilla). Then... just play ball for twenty minutes. Shmuli and I played a nice game of catch, roll and toss as we made a delicious pint of ice cream. Posted by Picasa

Have we played with this for twenty minutes yet???? Posted by Picasa

Shmuli takes a break and eats his ice cream. Posted by Picasa

One of our favorite stops in Big Bear is the Moonridge Zoo. All of the animals here have been rescued and are unable to survive in the wild. Some are suffering injuries (such as this one-winged owl) and some were adopted as orphans by well-intentioned folks who didn't think about the challenges the wild animals would present after reaching maturity. Once the animals have been socialized with humans they may pose a threat (such as wolves) or be unable to defend themselves (such as deer). Posted by Picasa

Michael taking a break from exploring the zoo. Posted by Picasa

Natan cooperating somewhat unenthusiastically with my request that he pose for me in front of the Bald Eagle exhibit. Posted by Picasa

Natan and Michael look at a three-legged bear. The Moonridge Zoo is rather small, and it provides the visitors with the opportunity to get within a few feet of the animals. On other occasions we have observed the staff feeding the animals and noted how trusting they are of each other. The employees get right into the cages with the animals and clean up after and feed them. Posted by Picasa

The wolves decided to seranade the zoo visitors this afternoon, and all joined in a chorus of howling. It brought back memories of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and Laura describing her nights when she would listen to the wolves howling and hoping that her Pa would make it home safely. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli preparing to throw a big, fat snowball at Robert. Michael and Natan were fascinated, and just knew that they needed to copy Shmuli and make some snowballs too. Posted by Picasa

The boys cross the bridge, still chuckling about the snowball fiasco. Michael and Natan had joined the attack with Shmuli, and Robert is pausing after being zonked with Shmuli's big and the twin's small snowballs. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli, Natan and Michael posing for a final picture as we leave the zoo. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli has been skiing since he was four years old, and is now quite an accomplished skier. He is getting geared up so that he can head off for one final round of skiing before the end of the day. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli is all geared up and ready to ski. Posted by Picasa

Shmuli heading up to the ski lift. He goes way too high and way too fast for us to photograph him while he is actually skiing... Posted by Picasa

We love spending time in the hot tub after an active, cold day in the snow. Michael and Natan are too young to go into the tub, but the rest of us sure enjoyed relaxing a bit in the evening after the babes were sound asleep. Posted by Picasa

We spent a lovely afternoon at the Alpine Snow Play park, flying down snowing slopes on intertubes. I think this outing was the highlight of the trip for all of us. Posted by Picasa

Robert and Michael sliding down. Robert and Michael were "tubing buddies" and Natan and I were. We all had a blast! Posted by Picasa

At the snow play center, there are also go-kart rides, which Shmuli has been riding since he was 3 years old (on Robert's lap back then). He still loves riding down the hill- now by himself, of course. Posted by Picasa