Monday, November 08, 2004

An Autumn Visit from Linda

What fun! Linda is here visiting this week. We have, of course, been busy doing our annual Cook's Library excursion. It was a success, and we were both able to find several cookbooks to purchase. I must admit, though, that I am not sure how I will have time to cook many meals in the coming months.

Tomorrow we are planning to go to Pasadena. There is a little tea house that we want to take a look at, and of course more shopping opportunities. And on Wednesday, I am hoping that we can eat some sushi, and then go to Allied Model Trains before Linda flies back home :-(.

I am quite excited, as I was able to purchase two carrycots (little bassinets) on ebay which will fit the stroller I am purchasing. I am holding off on the stroller purchase because I want to take a look at the 2005 models, which have several improvements.


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