Saturday, November 20, 2004

Twin B meets Bililight, Twin A drinks a Bottle

The boys are still doing great! Twin B had a little residual (food left in his tummy) after his feeding Friday morning, so they are slowing down a little as they increase the feedings. Since then, he has been fine, and is now up to 20cc. His jaundice went up a bit more, so he is spending a little time under the bililights. The doctor continues to be pleased with his progress.

Twin A is now nippling (nurse lingo for drinking from a bottle), and is doing really well. He now has half his feedings by bottle, and soon be having all feedings. Bottle feeding expends a great deal of energy for preemies, so they don't want to tire them too much. He is feeding so well that they were able to remove his IV.

Well, it is Saturday night, and we are off to take Shmuli to see his brothers! Yeah!!!


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