Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Twin A gets a check-up, Twin B weighs in

Twin A went to his first check-up with a pediatrician. He is doing great, and was given the seal of good health. His pediatrician is Dr. Keene, who lives across the street from us. Dr. Keene said that he was a nice big boy for a preemie, and should just continue growing (he is currently 19" long, and weighs 5 lbs. 11 oz.). Twin A is settling in nicely at home, and we are starting to get into a routine. He is fed every three hours around the clock, so we are enjoying both the benefits and challenges of a baby on a schedule.

Twin B continues to thrive, Thank G-d. He is now back to his birth weight of 5 lbs. 2 oz. and is doing well as he gets accustomed to nippling all of his food. We can't wait until he becomes a pro at feeding, as that is what he needs to do to come home.


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